DIY Linen Closet Part 1: Peel and Stick Wallpaper

by | Jul 3, 2023 | DIY, Home Decor, Home DIY | 0 comments

Happy May-cember! It’s been a moment since I posted anything but the end of the school year just sneaks up on your amiright? In addition to wearing the hats of Marketing VP, Dance Mom, and Classroom Mom, I also worked in April with Hemlock Homes to close in our upstairs loft.

You may remember last spring I converted it from a playroom to a homework loft. The desks have been a great addition but what we really needed was an extra bedroom. Don’t worry, I have plans for the desks 🙂

In addition to the new bedroom, my wishlist included a linen closet. My house currently had none and blankets were living everywhere! Also that big blue dance bag shown above has been flopping around my house for over a year. This was truly the snowball that got this avalanche of an upstairs project rolling. Hemlock Homes did an amazing job creating a shell for the closet and that is where I started.

Peel and Stick Wallpaper

I know it’s extra but that’s how we roll (get it?). Installing peel and stick wallpaper is a great way to add some color and pattern to your walls without committing to traditional wallpaper. Here are the general steps to follow:


  • Peel and stick wallpaper
  • Measuring tape
  • Utility knife or scissors
  • Level
  • Pencil
  • Wallpaper smoother or credit card


Basic Instructions:

  1. Measure the height and width of the wall where you want to install the wallpaper.
  2.  Purchase enough peel and stick wallpaper to cover the entire wall, with a little extra to account for mistakes. There are so many varieties online but I actually found this print in my local Lowe’s Home Improvement.
  3. Clean the wall surface thoroughly with soap and water, and allow it to dry completely. I did not do this but would recommend for smooth application.
  4. Begin at the top of the wall and measure and mark the center point with a pencil. Use a level to ensure that the line is straight.
  5. Peel the backing off the top few inches of the wallpaper and line it up with the center line on the wall. Use the level to make sure it is straight, and smooth it down with a wallpaper smoother or credit card.
  6. Peel the backing off a few more inches of wallpaper and align it with the first piece, making sure the pattern lines up correctly. Continue this process until you have covered the entire wall.
  7. Use a utility knife or scissors to trim any excess wallpaper at the top and bottom of the wall, as well as around any outlets or switches.
  8. Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles in the wallpaper with a wallpaper smoother or credit card.
  9. Continue the process of peeling and sticking the wallpaper until you have covered the entire wall
Quincy Market
Quincy Market

This was the 7th time I have done peel and stick wallpaper and it is so incredibly easy and such a quick transformation to any space!

  • Your Title Goes Here 50% 50%

Have you used peel and stick wallpaper before? Anything else you would add?

Stick around (I did it again!) for Part 2 of this DIY Linen Closet where I learn a new skill and build custom wood shelves!

Best, Melissa and Girls

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Melissa Moyles

Hi! I'm Melissa

In the borders of being a full time Marketing VP and a full time wife and mom, I strive to build a beautiful home for my family… 1 DIY Project at a time. Join us on this journey!