Celebrating Hanukkah and Easy Latkes
Melissa Moyles
8 Things You Should Know About Hanukkah – HISTORY
As you may know by now, I love Christmas. I love the lights, the food, the cheer. I also love Jesus’s spirit of peace on earth and goodwill towards men.
What you might not know is that I spent the first 18 years of my life raised in Boca Raton, Florida. Therefore, even as a Catholic, I know a thing or 2 about the Jewish faith.
I grew up with the JCC LITERALLY in my backyard and spent every weekend and summer there. I tie-danced at too many bat mitzvahs to count and my first boyfriend was Jewish. In public school in Boca, we celebrated every holiday but Hanukkah always got some extra love. We spun the dreidel, we lit the menorah, and we gorged on Latkes.
My girls are now in Catholic school and I love so many aspects of it. I do however miss the multi-religion elementary teaching and so I am making sure to include it at home. With that, this week we are learning and celebrating Hanukkah!
While I had played dreidel before, I could not remember more than winning gelt as a kid so I found these instructions online.

The girls had a blast!
Next up was making Latkes! I loosely followed this recipe from Jo Cooks. Here’s a photo of her beauties.
The girls took turns shredding potatoes and made it through maybe 2 before I had to take over.
We mixed the potatoes with shredded onion, egg, flour, salt, and pepper before pan frying patties.
I found a 1/4 cup to work the best both to scoop and smush flat.
As soon as they were done, i put on a doubled-up paper towel to soak up any extra grease and sprinkled with kosher salt.
Traditionally, they are served with sour cream and applesauce. Which I think is DELICIOUS!
The girls however preferred sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese
Jo’s recipe was awesome if you want to try! https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/easy-potato-latkes/
I have yet to invest in a Menorah but tonight the girls and I will light a candle and say our thanks to the Lord above. There is much to Hanukkah and other Holidays we do not know, but I hope to raise my daughters with compassion and love for all faiths.
Best, Melissa and Girls