Scrap Wood Christmas Tree Shelf
By Melissa Moyles Last month I bought a new Ryobi miter saw and have been itching to do all the wood working projects. With scrap wood in my garage and Christmas coming up, I thought I would give a tree shelf a try. Mine was loosely based on this inspiration:...
DIY Fireplace Mantle
By Melissa Moyles Happy November Y’all! Lot’s of home décor projects this fall and this is probably my favorite. First off I love my fireplace. LOVE IT. It is stone and goes from floor to 20ft ceiling. Every few months I get a hankering to white wash it but have never...
DIY Lifesize Barbie Box
By Melissa Moyles Come on Barbie, Let’s go party! are you throwing a theme birthday or maybe looking for a fun Barbie costume for Halloween? Look no further! Last month, I went to an annual church Bingo fundraiser with my mom friends. This is no ordinary fundraiser...
Hi! I'm Melissa
In the borders of being a full time Marketing Consultant and a full time wife and mom, I strive to build a beautiful home for my family… 1 DIY Project at a time. Join us on this journey!